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Blogs to read

Page history last edited by Frank Curkovic 15 years, 4 months ago

Now you are thinking, how do you find all this stuff?


First, I read other tech blogs. My blog often posts about free software that becomes available. I'm still finding my voice so technically, I don't blog, I post. There is a big difference. Some other blogs I subscribe to are 21st Century Learning, Moving at the Speed of Creativity, iLearnTechnology and Learning with Lucie. There are several others too. Some good, some bad. Some come, some go. Some useful, some take up my time. But, one man's music is another's noise. As a teacher, you need to decide if it useful, if you can use it in your class or if you can use it in new creative ways. The best thing to do is check who these bloggers link with. What are they reading?


Have a look at WebTools4u2use for ideas too. Web 2.0 Tools is another one. When I go to these these various sites, I also look through some of the examples. I may search using technology, web 2.0 or 21st century learning etc. How are these users using it? What are they saying? You may think it takes too much time, but trust me, it's the best professional and personal development you can have. Join the discussion on the Classroom 2.0 ning.


There is a lot out there. At times, it's hard to keep up. I subscribe to several and then post some of the better ones on my blog as mentioned before. It's the best place to start (insert explicit product placement here, now fade to black while camera moves backward into an aerial shot, credits begin to roll).


Ah, yeah...got a little distracted there. Sorry.


I highly recommend you to start using RSS (Really Simple Syndication).

RSS in Plain English video

What is RSS and how do I use it?

If you have a Gmail account, it's the easiest way. If you don't know what it is, find out! When you are logged into Gmail, you'll notice something at the top of the page that says 'Reader.' While surfing various sites, you may notice something that says RSS or 'subscribe.' Simply click this and select Google Reader from the options provided. All new posts made to that site will then be automatically sent to you via the Reader.


Another option is to join Diigo. It's another social bookmarking site but lets you highlight stuff on the web. If you don't join, you could at least use their search to see what other people find iteresting.


Good luck and don't get discouraged.

-Frank ; )

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