Some Assessment Activities
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by Frank Curkovic 14 years, 11 months ago
Who owns learning? Three key skills that parents and educators need to teach students for success in today's world.
Some assessment activities (not just ICT) that can be included with almost any unit or project are:
- A neat and well designed poster, or do it digitally with Glogster (see an example here how they embedded it into a wiki)
- A well organised brochure
- A story (a picture book, a comic - Google Chrome did it, a graphic novel, a chapter book, a work of fiction etc.) (even try incorporating your story into GoogleEarth!)
- A letter to the editor or a newspaper article (Newspaper Clipping Generator)
- An article for a magazine (Word, Pages etc)
- A photo essay (with digital photos or ones drawn by hand - Skitch, iPhoto, ComicLife, PowerPoint/Keynote, iMovie, VoiceThread etc.)
- A Word/Pages document that includes images, headers and body
- A skit/role-play
- A long poem
- A video advertisement, radio commercial or tutorial video/resource (iMovie, Jing+other screencasts, GarageBand etc.) [Film and Video Lesson Ideas here]
- A documentary (iMovie or equivalent)
- An animation
- A radio/podcast show (GarageBand, Gcast or equivalent)
- Create a personal or class blog (Blogger, Edublogs, WordPress)
- use Posterous to post photos and comments simply by emailing (Grade 4 example here)
- Create a Wiki to store and share all research - see one grade 5 student example here
- Create a class resource (poster, fact cards, instructional material, video tutorial, book, children's story etc.)
- Use VoiceThread (a photo sharing/conferencing web application - view a student example here)
- Animoto (create slick photo slideshows effortlessly - sign up for the educator's pass, it's free)
- Create a collaborative timeline with xTimeline.
- 25 Things to do with a Digital Image
- Create a Flowgram (interactive guided presentations) project
- Use Wordle to save key words from a brainstorm session. (This creates attractive tag clouds. Use a screen capture to save it.)
Use artwork or photos to generate ideas, critical and creative thinking.
Some Assessment Activities
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