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Tools to Explore

Page history last edited by Frank Curkovic 11 years, 10 months ago



2.0 Tools

(and other applications too)


brainstorms, mindmaps, wordclouds

(and timelines)

Document Tools

Google Docs, Word, Pages


photo manipulation, effects, albums,

slideshows, drawing software and applications


sound, voice, recording

Film-Video and Animation



wiki, blogging, igoogle, diigo, ning

Screencasting and capturing

record your computer screen


How will you share your knowledge?

documents - sites - video - streaming - slideshows

3D Art and Design

blender, sketchup, formz etc.

    iPad Apps For Art

Other Good Stuff

admin & survey tools, class resources & sites, tech tools, language, math & science, fun etc.

You can also check a more extensive list from the site Go2Web2.0


Licensed under a Attribution License by Flickr member Alan Levine


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