  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.

  • You already know Dokkio is an AI-powered assistant to organize & manage your digital files & messages. Very soon, Dokkio will support Outlook as well as One Drive. Check it out today!


YIS-BTG 2009

Page history last edited by Frank Curkovic 13 years, 4 months ago

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Creativity 2.0 For Educators and Students

(Essential Online Tools)

Frank Curkovic


© Copyright: see author in the original source of this image.


Workshop Description:

This workshop is geared to all grade levels and is suitable to the novice as well as the advanced ICT teacher. He will showcase some essential, free web 2.0 tools available. Create and share your resources and products with your communities. Hands-on exploration opportunities will be provided. Leave the session with a few new ideas on how to tackle your next project and share your knowledge.

Frank Curkovic currently teaches middle school art and grades 1-3 drama. He has also taught kindergarten, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4 Math and was an Elementary ICT Facilitator for three years. Read slightly more and contact Frank on his blog here. You can also see other educational and IT related videos (on his blog again) here.





1. Introduction (if necessary)

My Influences from FNC videos on Vimeo.


2. Why 2.0 tools and how 2.0.R.U.? (free, embeddable, creativity & media collage, online presence, paper-free)


3. Essential tools:


Make info come to you.

RSS in Plain English video


Google Reader




Twitter in Plain English video


9 Great Reasons why Teachers should use Twitter.


Twitter Search in Plain English


Highlight the web! Add sticky notes too!

Delicious is another option.



Bookmark and tag photos to create your own image library.


Just discovered Toobla in beta. Include links, photos, videos into folders and embed them, make them public or private. Looks like a cross between the above and LiveBinders.


Create word clouds.


Publish your doc online with flipping pages.

Voted one of the 50 best websites of 2009 by Time Magazine. Also try FlipSnack for the same experience.

Still nervous? Then go more basic with File2.ws

(convert any files into a public website).


Create great photo/video slideshows. Sign up for the educator's pass to get full length features.


Narrate/draw over a photo or video. Others can also add their 2 cents. (Also downloadable)

student art example


or Picasa

Photo sharing.



Vimeo, TeacherTube, SchoolTube


Wikis in Plain English video


Try out PBworks or WikiSpaces.


teacher example 1


teacher example 2


grade 5 student example




(3gigs of Space)


(50mb of Space)


What's a blog? Blogs in Plain English video



grade 4 example

Google Apps

Leave your docs in the cloud in order to collaborate.

Cloud Computing in Plain English video


Google Docs in Plain English video


Upload and share your PowerPoint presentations, Word documents and Adobe PDF Portfolios on SlideShare. Share publicly or privately. Add audio to make a webinar.


With the help of Prezi you can create maps of texts, images, videos, PDFs, drawings and present in a nonlinear way. Move beyond the slide.


Easy way to share files with friends. Also check out DropBox or

CloudApp or



SoundCloud is a great place to upload and share audio. Post your interviews or music. Options are available to embed the file into other sites and allow listeners the option to download. 7 hour time limit with free account.

Here's a grade 3 student example of a song written using GarageBand.

The Cold Attack Song by fcMusicMixes


Ning allows you to create your own social network. Ideal for discussions.

teacher example (The Lens)

UPDATE April 2010: Ning has announced changes and added pricing! Also check out Spruz and WackWall

Update May 2010: A major educational company has offered to sponsor Ning Mini Networks for educators globally in primary and secondary education. More details to come soon!


Create a screencast (record your computer screen) for tutorials and/or presentations.


Organise and share info online. Your online 3-ring binder.

There is also a LiveBinders wiki for educators to share and catagorize livebinders by subject, and grade-level.


Create a free website & blog.
It has an easy drag and drop interface with minimal technical skills required.


Convert files such as PDF to Word. You may also convert photos and video.



Embed a map on your site to view locations of readers.





These next 3 are not web 2.0 tools but essential nonetheless.


A download and install is required (but they are free).


Designed for the sole purpose of renaming a list of files.



It's simply the fastest and most stunning way to browse photos and videos from the Web or your desktop.


Take a screen capture and/or write and draw.



You can also view and download the above tools in PDF format as shown below (done via Issuu)


4. The upside/downside of 2.0 tools (Elementary, MS/HS)


5. Bring it all together in a Blog


6. What do teacher's understand?


Above has been taken from David Warlick's blog post here.


(optional: Some Assessment Activities)


8. Time to explore tools OR, generate class activities/tools into your units


9. (Independent) Conclusion / Ponder:

  1. What does creativity mean to you?
  2. How does technology best serve creativity?
  3. What actions will you take to include creativity in your life this year?

(questions courtesy of Wes Fryer)



There's a great article in Educational Leadership Magazine about digital literacy (and art).

Literacy 2.0!

Highlighted summary (the article goes in depth with each number):

Eight Guidelines for Teachers

1. Shift from text centrism to media collage.

2. Value writing and reading now more than ever.

3. Adopt art as the next R.

4. Blend traditional and emerging literacies.

5. Harness report and story.

6. Practice private and participatory social literacy.

7. Develop literacy with digital tools and about digital tools.

8. Pursue fluency.



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