If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.
You already know Dokkio is an AI-powered assistant to organize & manage your digital files & messages. Very soon, Dokkio will support Outlook as well as One Drive. Check it out today!
This workshop is geared to all grade levels and is suitable to the novice as well as the advanced ICT teacher. He will showcase some essential, free web 2.0 tools available. Create and share your resources and products with your communities. Hands-on exploration opportunities will be provided. Leave the session with a few new ideas on how to tackle your next project and share your knowledge.
Frank Curkovic currently teaches middle school art and grades 1-3 drama. He has also taught kindergarten, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4 Math and was an Elementary ICT Facilitator for three years. Read slightly more and contact Frank on his bloghere. You can also see other educational and IT related videos (on his blog again)here.
Bookmark and tag photos to create your own image library.
Just discovered Toobla in beta. Include links, photos, videos into folders and embed them, make them public or private. Looks like a cross between the above and LiveBinders.
Upload and share your PowerPoint presentations, Word documents and Adobe PDF Portfolios on SlideShare. Share publicly or privately. Add audio to make a webinar.
SoundCloud is a great place to upload and share audio. Post your interviews or music. Options are available to embed the file into other sites and allow listeners the option to download. 7 hour time limit with free account.
Here's a grade 3 student exampleof a song written using GarageBand.
UPDATE April 2010: Ning has announced changes and added pricing! Also check out Spruz and WackWall
Update May 2010: A major educational company has offered to sponsor Ning Mini Networks for educators globally in primary and secondary education. More details to come soon!
LearningIT blogMac related ICT, Art & Creativity Info for teachers and students. Authored by Frank Curkovic, the creator of this wiki.
ArtInspired WikiHere you may find visual art ideas and resources to inspire and motivate your lessons,artwork and art curriculum.
Frank Curkovic's YouTube videosAKA elemICT. Most of these videos are tutorials created for teachers and students ranging from software to art. Have a look.
ISTE's National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) have served as a roadmap since 1998 for improved teaching and learning by educators. ISTE standards for students, teachers, and administrators help to measure proficiency and set aspirational goals for the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to succeed in today’s Digital Age.
Technology Integration MatrixThe Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) illustrates how teachers can use technology to enhance learning for K-12 students.
100 Helpful Web Tools for Every Kind of LearnerDetermining how you best learn and using materials that cater to this style can be a great way to make school and the entire process of acquiring new information easier and much more intuitive. Here are some great tools that you can use to cater to your individual learning style, no matter what that is.
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